cyg-update is a simple python script, which mirrors cygwin binaries,
modifies setup.ini to install the latest emacs, and runs setup.exe.
- Mar 17 2009
- updated cyg-update-lib/lftp.exe
- Aug 15 2008
- commented out adjustMake().
- added getSetupExe(). setup.exe is retrieved from cygwin.com.
- added shutil.copyfile(setupini, setupini + '.bk') to backup setup.ini.
- added only-newer option for lftp.exe.
- removed setup.exe and make under cyg-update-lib.
- changed the default ftp site to ftp.jaist.ac.jp.
- Jul 23 2007
- Jul 5 2007
- setup.exe is replaced with the original one found at cygwin.com,
because issues in older versions are now fixed.
- Feb 4 2007
- added "cyg-update-lib" directory and stored files except this into it.
- replaced modifysetupini() with adjustEmacs().
- added adjustMake() to replace "make" with "make-3.80".
- added -x "\\..*" to lftp options.
- Nov 26 2006
- avoided to remove '\r' from setup.ini.
- Feb 7 2006
- added code to check whether there is setup.ini.
- made variables "mirrormode" and "noexec" local.
- Sep 17 2005
- updated setup.exe to the cvs one and removed '-5'
- option for it from cyg-setup.py.
- May 30 2005
- added the most recent lftp.exe for supporting "ftp:list-empty-ok".
- May 28 2005
- added the corrected setup.exe.
- May 26 2005
- major refactoring by Kakei.
- May 20 2005
- modified. the script catches exception from os.remove().
- May 12 2005
- modified. the script removes setup.ini at first when mirroring.
- May 8 2005
GNU General Public License (GPL).
- cyg-update.tgz
An archive which contains the script and related files. Please
modify remotedir/targetdir in the script adequately. These may be
specified as command line options.
After extracting cyg-update.tgz, please invoke the script as follows
for mirroring and installing binaries.
$ cd cyg-update
$ python cyg-update.py --mirror
Please invoke the script without the "--mirror" option if you want to
install binaries previously downloaded. Other options are shown with
the "--help" option.
Usage: python cyg-update.py [options] [source]
-m, --mirror mirror mode on
-n, --noexec don't execute setup.exe
-r ..., --remotedir=... use specified cygwin remote directory
-t ..., --targetdir=... use specified local target directory(default:cygwin)
-h, --help show this help
Koji Nakamaru